About Us

Company Name : TCS Material Pte Ltd
Address : 38 Woodlands Industrial Park E1 #03-16 Singapore 757700
Telephone No. : (65) 6763 1311 (2 Lines)
Fax No. : (65) 6763 1306
Email :
Established on : 2 Jan 1999
Operation Started : 4 Jan 1999
Authorized Capital : S$1,000,000.00
Paid-up capital : S$100,000.00
Banker   Development Bank of Singapore
    Account No (Sgd) 066-900398-6
    Account No (Usd) 0066-000200-01-1

Company’s Aims & Objectives

TCS Material Enterprise is a wholesale and trading centre that has been established in Singapore since 4 January 1999. We specialise in Ferrous and Non-Ferrous material in Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia. We provide a full range of products and services including metallurgical consultancy services. Techniques like JIT inventory management are adapted to metal stamping/fabrication companies. We strive to provide full support for our client so as to fulfil our end user’s requirements and achieve excellent results.

2002 is indeed a very challenging and exciting year for TCS Material Enterprise. That year, we achieved the same sales turnover as the year 2001 in just over 7 months. This expanding sales turnover is the result of the recovery of Hard Disk business and our expansion towards China’s market as we continue to support directly and indirectly to MNCs that has slowly made its way into the new economic giant – China.

Confidence and trust that was built with MNC and their stamping partners through years of cooperation had pathed the Company’s entrance to China. The Company is targeting to be registered in China to facilitate our service and support to MNCs such as Maxtor, Seagate, Western Digital, Sony etc.

Director’s Background

Tan Cheng Soon Jackson, joined Minebea for 7.5 years as a Purchasing Manager and production control. During this period of time, he managed to maintain a low safety stock to as low as 25% which won him numerous awards from the company’s competition. His scope of duty also enabled him to be in contact with a network of international suppliers.

1994 Nov, A Japanese Company recommended him to a new working environment – Sales and Marketing Manager in a Japanese firm. In the 7.5 years stay there, it nurtured him to be service orientated and establish a good relationship with stamping companies. He increased the company's client base from only 4 local companies to 108 and 58 companies locally and in Malaysia respectively. Most of the customers treasure this relationship and supported him to start-off his own business. His past supportive service and technical knowledge encouraged these clients to render their support and introduce him to great referrals for his business.